
Helped 5
people this month

Helped 9
people this month

Helped 4
people this month

Helped 3
people this month

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is a founding sponsor of:

Compassion 2.0

Professional Learning Community Podcasts | Salons | Summits | Conferences | Small Group Study

Compassion 2.0 is a community of professionals who are working to bring compassion oriented principles, practices, procedures to their organizations. We explore employee wellness, employee engagement, Diversity, Equity Inclusion, Corporate Social Responsibility, and more.

K-12 | Business | Non-profits | Medical | Law Enforcement | B-Corps & Social Ventures | Social Impact | Academia

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Benevolently is a social venture enterprise, aimed at producing states of compassion and gratitude as our product.  We embrace a stakeholder approach to our business, and are focused on our environmental footprint, and committed to creating a culture that is diverse and equitable, and does not create harm.

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